Je suis propriétaire d'un petit restaurant à Yaoundé. Sans l'aide et le soutien de l'équipe de Yomeka Bridge, j'aurais fait faillite l'année dernière car je n'arrivais plus à m'en sortir après la covid19. L'équipe m'a aidé à redéfinir mon activité et à lancer un service de restauration en ligne. Merci à cette équipe et je participerai sans aucun doute à l'une de vos formations en gestion financière.
Celine Ahanda M.: Restaurant Owner
Thanks to Yomeka Bridge I was able to invest my retirement funds in South Africa, I now own a beautiful flat in Sandton. This all happened in the middle of covid19 and I didn't even have to travel to see the condo, everything was managed remotely by the Yomeka Bridge Property Management team. My husband and I were very happy and we would definitely recommend this team!
Ginette K.: Retired Insurance manager
The Yomeka Bridge Educational Team made my dream come true. My son will be able to study at the university of his choice in Canada this September. Thank you for your support, dedication and advice, I will be preparing very early for my daughter's university coming in 2 years.
A Happy mother: Senior Designer